How bidding agents could save you money in the Sydney real estate market

Why is Sydney on such a hot run in 2017? As prices keep rising in this harbour city the amenities in the area are well worth a mention, with dozens of cinemas, shopping malls, entertainment complexes and much more to enjoy. The education in Sydney is one of the most highly rated in Australia, with… Continue reading How bidding agents could save you money in the Sydney real estate market

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Cohen Handler Buyers Agents 2017

When buying a new home there are so many things that need to be considered – such as personal specifications, your budget and also the legal processes which is involved, and the list seems almost endless. But because there is a lot more than meets the eye when purchasing property, some  homeowners or investors look… Continue reading Cohen Handler Buyers Agents 2017

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Can bidding agents (known as buyers agents) save you money at an auction

Can a Buyer’s Agent Save You Money on Your Purchase? In the simplest terms, a buyer’s agent is often tasked with representing their client as they undergo the process of buying a house. Unlike a real estate agent that will typically act on the behalf of the seller; a buying agent will offer similar services… Continue reading Can bidding agents (known as buyers agents) save you money at an auction

Categorized as property