Building inspections are a must before you consider purchasing a new home

uilding inspections in sydney & brisbane

The Benefits of Regular Building & Pest Inspections

If there’s one thing that wild animals have a habit of doing – it’s making their way into our properties without a trace. Once they find a safe, secure environment to call home, they’ll soon settle in and do everything in their power to avoid being removed. From the smallest pests like fleas, ticks and cockroaches, all the way to larger animals such as birds and racoons – if these species make their way into your building, you’ll have a hard task shifting them on your own.

In the worst case scenario, you may have to call out a professional exterminator, but not only can this service be costly and time consuming – the chemicals used during the process can actually be harmful to the environment and any occupants present within the building. A better option would be to reduce the chances of pests being able to settle into the building altogether – and that’s where regular pest inspections step up to the mark.

Address: 1/17-19 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Phone: +61 1300 253 761

The main purpose of this type of report is to inform any parties involved with the purchase of the property, of all things relating to the premises. There are over 30 individual specifications that will need to be answered by the current owner, the selling agency and other establishments with information – and this can help a potential buyer to better understand what they are getting themselves into.

Not only can it be any incredibly beneficial to learn about any ongoing issues over land ownership, neighborhood conflicts and even animal restrictions – in many instances an insurance agency will only insure a home if it meets particular requirements. They may not care so much about any falling-outs between neighbors, but they will if those disagreements become a risk to the property itself.

First Before You Bid Consultants will carry out inspections on the following areas:

  • Standardised risk sectors – such as clear labelling of the activation switch for the pool filtration system and the correct display of an approved first aid/ resuscitation chart
  • Pool cleaning systems
  • Electrical hazards
  • Fencing requirements